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It's all about treasuring the good sides of life: Travel 200+ countries, Wine tastings, Drone footage. I’m proud to share unforgettable moments from each visited location as well as amazing footage taken with a state of the art drone and travel gear:

Expeditions by private plane

It's all about fantastic journeys by hopping a bunch of destinations and islands during a couple of weeks. The crew (Tom, Rainer, Albert) is proud to share unforgettable moments from each visited location as well as amazing footage taken with a state of the art drone and travel gear:

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Lots of ❤️, Albert

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treasuring the good sides of life ♡ Travel 200+ countries, Wine tastings, Drone footage, and amazing expeditions by private plane


Alficionado ♡ treasuring the good sides of life: Travel 200+ countries, Wine tastings, Drone footage